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Register To Vote

Welcome to the Register to Vote page of Ireland First, where we encourage you to exercise your democratic right and make your voice heard in shaping the future of our nation. Your vote is a powerful tool for change, and we are here to guide you through the registration process and empower you to participate in the political process.

Your Vote Matters!

Registering to vote is a crucial step in shaping the future of Ireland. By participating in the democratic process, you have the power to influence decisions that directly impact our country, our communities and our lives. Registering to vote allows you to exercise your fundamental right and ensure that your voice is heard.

To register to vote, follow the steps below (or click on the button to be brought directly to the

At Ireland First, we encourage all eligible individuals to register and make their voices count. Whether you are a first-time voter or need to update your registration, the process is simple and essential. By registering, you contribute to a vibrant democracy and play a vital role in electing leaders who align with your values and aspirations for Ireland.

Register To Vote

To register to vote, follow the steps below:

  1. Check Eligibility: Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements to vote in Ireland, including age, citizenship, and residency criteria. Visit the official website of the Electoral Commission for detailed information.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Prepare the necessary identification documents, such as a valid Irish passport or a national identity card, proof of address, and any additional documents required by your local registration authority.
  3. You can check if you are registered on by keying in your Province and then your County/City Council.
  4. Complete the Registration Form: Fill out the voter registration form accurately and provide all the required information. Double-check the details to ensure accuracy.
  5. Submit the Form: Submit your completed registration form to the appropriate local registration authority. You may submit the form in person or online, depending on the guidelines provided by the authority.
  6. Confirmation and Verification: After submitting your registration form, you will receive a confirmation or acknowledgement of your registration. The registration authority will verify your information and notify you of your voter registration status.

Remember, registering to vote is only the first step. Your active participation in elections, staying informed about the candidates and their policies, and casting your vote on election day are equally important. Your vote has the power to shape the direction of our country and influence the decisions that affect us all.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have your say. Register to vote today and join us in building a better future for Ireland. Together, let’s make a difference through active civic engagement and democratic participation.